First goslings of the season

Today I went urban birding. In bright sunshine - almost a bit too much - the first Egyptian goose chicks of the season were actually out and about at the Düsseldorf Kö-Graben. Although I was only carrying the portrait lens, it was almost too long. The little ones came close quite bravely. With the obvious consent of the adult birds they actually went nearer than minimum focus distance. A great encounter to kick off the breeding season.

The dippers in our nature reserve are also back at my favourite spot. Last weekend, I was just in time to clean the nest box and now the couple are already collecting moss to line it. I'll be spending a lot of time by the stream again over the next few weeks. After three hours in freezing temperatures this morning, it was enough. But I've already saved the first video sequences. Look forward to regular updates.


Dippers are back


Goosanders, sleepy Pochards and even a Goldeneye on river Rhine today